Hello! I’m Amanda, the owner and founder of
Beau Fromage.

Although the concept has been there for a lot longer, I officially founded Beau Fromage back in 2018. In 2021 I decided it was time to formally step away from my career in insurance and go full throttle on this little cheese business of mine.

My passion for cheese started when I was 18 and travelling through Switzerland. I was introduced to incredible dishes such as fondue and raclette, and cheeses such as Tete De Moine and Vacherin Mont d’Or. That’s where the dream really started. “One day, I’ll have my own cheese business and bring the same joy to my customers as I experienced on this trip!” I said, and now it’s happening.

To keep the idea moving, I’ve been creating cheeseboards and cakes these last few years and really love it. However this has been alongside a fairly sizeable project of converting a horse box into a mobile cheese truck. At the end of 2021, I finally completed my project and it’s now ready to get on the road!

So, thank you for all your support so far; keep following, as 2022 is set to be an exciting one! I’ll be pitching up at festivals, markets and fairs as well as weddings, private parties and events and bringing you that same excitement and joy I experience when I get stuck into some really good cheese!

Academy of Cheese Associate

Amanda at Beau Fromage has always enjoyed personal development so is proud to have passed her Level 1 with the Academy of Cheese.

We take cheese seriously here at Beau Fromage so you know you’re in good hands!

Contact us.

Email amanda@beaufromage.co.uk or fill in the form and we’ll come right back to you!